Sunday, August 12, 2012

John Taylor of Duran Duran at Pacific Ampitheater

Greetings viewers! It's been a busy summer for us so we just wanted to take the time to post this EXCLUSIVE treat from our ace photog, Shari!

It's John Taylor from Duran Duran live at Pacific Ampitheater in Los Angeles. He's got a new book soon to be released in the fall and if it's anything like Nile Rodgers' bio...well, we can't wait to read it.

enjoy the photos from the show - link here .....
book teaser - link here

Our favorite vinyl junkie & Mr. Peabody Records supporter,  John Taylor bringing the funk in Los Angeles

update: John posted a new video about his book. enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Pacific Amphitheatre is in Orange County, NOT in LA. That said, I agree, this book is highly anticipated and Nile's book was FANTASTIC! I highly recommend it.
